Life Lessons From Alexander the Great, for Agribusiness Leadership

Life Lessons From Alexander the Great for Agribusiness Leadership
Life Lessons From Alexander the Great, for Agribusiness Leadership

Life Lessons From Alexander the Great

A manager should know the Life Lessons From Alexander the Great, for Agribusiness Leadership. The King of Macedon, Alexander III (356-323 B.C.), parlayed the conquest of Greece by his father Philip II into an empire that spread from the Balkans to the Nile to the Himalayas, subduing tens of millions of citizens along the way.

The historian Plutarch, a bit of an over-achiever, wrote that Alexander wept upon discovering that the world was infinite. He responded when asked what was wrong: “There are so many worlds, and I haven’t even conquered one yet.” Here are 10 Life Lessons from him: Alexander was a great military officer, leading his troops in any encounter.

Have a fantastic mentor:  

Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) was chosen by Alexander’s father, Philip, to instruct his 13-year-old son. Aristotle taught geography, zoology, politics, and medicine to the young prince. The philosopher’s teachings profoundly inspired Alexander. Alexander took scientists with him during later military campaigns and sent plant and animal specimens back to his former mentor.

When your time comes, take the opportunity:

The mentor and father of Alexander Philip were murdered. To avoid letting his destiny slip through his fingers, Alexander had to act confidently and consolidate power.

Have a definite vision:

Alexander looked east to Asia and the Persian Empire, led by Darius III, after solidifying his rule of Macedonia and Greece. He pulled his sword from the sand as he took his first steps in Asia and proclaimed that these lands would be conquered by the spear.

Greatly announce your name:  

At the Battle of Issus, after crushing the Persians, Alexander chose to join Egypt, which had been under Persian rule for nearly 200 years. He is said to have been led by ravens and to have been blessed with rain. Upon arrival, the priest apparently told him that he was Zeus’ son. He played it to his own benefit, whether or not Alexander believed in his own divinity.

Care for the people & expenditure in the management of talent:

Alexander was preceded into Asia Minor [334 B.C.] by between 30,000 and 43,000 infantry and between 3,000 and 4,000 horsemen. For their salaries, he had only 70 talents (Greek currency) and no more than thirty days of provisions. Alexander had a debt of 200 talents, having sacrificed everything he had to make sure that his best men could provide for their families. Alexander replied, “My dream,” when one of his generals asked what he had held for himself. Upon hearing this, the general declined the pension that Alexander offered him, saying, “Your soldiers will be your partners in that.”

Trust yourself supremely:

Darius the III, King of Persia, offered Alexander a truce, land, and his daughter’s hand in marriage right before Alexander’s siege of Tyre. Alexander declined the offer and ordered Darius to refer to Alexander as “King of Asia,” not as an equal, from now on. He added, “Wherever you might be, I shall follow you.”Never doubt that what you set out to do can be done and do not compromise.

Change your approach:

If you see that something is not functioning in your life, change it. In your search to succeed, you must be versatile. That’s what was achieved by Alexander. He began with the concept of a mole, but he added catapults and naval ships when that alone didn’t fit.

Give yourself a reward:

He was famously and supremely faithful to the men of Alexander. By honoring and rewarding them individually for the brave deeds in combat, he bred this loyalty and preserved the resolution of his men solid. In your own life, apply this same idea. Go out and treat yourself to something after you have completed one phase.

Learn from the biggest errors:

It soon became obvious that Asia was larger than was expected. Alexander bowed to the pleas of his men with his campaign suffering from “project drift,” and turned back. It was probably Alexander’s biggest error, as in the Gedrosan Desert, 15,000 of his men died of hunger or heat, more than all those he lost in combat. The trip may also have taken its toll on Alexander.

Don’t take life as a matter of fact:

Alexander understood how his conquests, his great armies, his sharp sword, and all his riches were of no consequence with death looking at him in his face. I want my doctors to hold my coffin, so people can understand that no doctor can really heal anybody. They are helpless and are unable to save a person from death’s clutches. Let people not take life for granted, then.

Don’t waste your time looking for resources:

Alexander said,” The second wish on the way to the graveyard of strewing gold, silver, and other riches is to tell people that even a fraction of the gold will not come with me. I have spent my whole life collecting money, but I can’t take it with me. Let individuals know that seeking money is a pure waste of time.

After death, only wisdom and goodness will go with you. Alexander said, “And I want people to know about my third dream to get my hands hanging out of the coffin that I have come empty-handed into this world and empty-handed I am going out of this world.” The king closed his eyes with these words. He quickly allowed death to overtake him and breathed his last.

“I do not fear an army of lions led by a sheep; I fear an army of sheep led by a lion.”

AERI Admin
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