Virtual Seminar on “Management of Sacrificial Animal Markets in the Corona Epidemic: Tasks and Challenges” held at ADUST

Animal Markets
Virtual Seminar on “Management of Sacrificial Animal Markets in the Corona Epidemic: Tasks and Challenges” held at ADUST

Seminar Info: 

Sacrificial animal markets play a vital role in cultural and religious practices during festivals like Eid al-Adha. However, during a pandemic like COVID-19, these markets pose a potential risk for disease spread due to close contact between animals, people, and the environment. By addressing some tasks and challenges, authorities can ensure a safer environment for sacrificial animal markets during the pandemic while respecting cultural and religious traditions.

Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology (ADUST) started its journey in 2004 with the aim of spreading higher education in Bangladesh. ADUST is the first university in Bangladesh, introduced BBA in Agribusiness, MBA in Agribusiness and EMBA in Agribusiness.

Eid-ul-Azha is one of the major religious festivals of the Muslim Ummah. With the holy Eid looming, sacrificial animal markets are starting to set up in different parts of the country due to the Corona epidemic. The National Technical Advisory Committee on Corona Challenge has made various recommendations regarding the establishment of a sacrificial animal market considering the situation of corona virus infection. In its continuation, on 15th July, at 3 pm, on the Facebook page of Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology, the Department of Agribusiness organized a seminar titled “Management of Sacrificial Animal Markets in the Corona Epidemic: Tasks and Challenges” conducted by Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Md. Masudul Hasan, Department of Agribusiness, Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology( ADUST).

Welcome Speech:

At the beginning of the seminar, Md. Wahidul Islam, Teacher of Agribusiness and Marketing, Department of Agribusiness, gave a supplementary discussion on the sacrificial animal market system, the need for an online market for sacrificial animals in the current context and changing market management.

Chief guest:

The chief guest of the seminar was Prof. Dr. M Shahin Khan, Distinguished Professor, Institute of Social Welfare and Research, Dhaka University and Honorable member of board of Trustees, as well as Research and Academic Advisor of Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology. In his keynote address, the chief guest highlighted the impact of sacrificial animal husbandry on the rural economy and society, the role of livestock in economic and social development, the importance of students who have passed the agribusiness department in the agricultural sector, as well as buying and selling sacrificial animals. He gave necessary advice to follow the hygiene rules during cow sacrifice during the day.

Main discussant of the seminar:

Main discussant of the seminar was Director General of Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute and the inventor of the perennial variety of grass Dr. Nathu Ram Sarkar. The current picture of livestock in Bangladesh and the role of the Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute in Bangladesh, the future work plan of the Government of  Bangladesh, for the market management and other issues for the occasion of the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha highlighted by Dr. Nathu Ram Sarkar.

Keynote speaker:

Livestock resource information system, Dairy food micro biology, Dairy food biotechnology expert, Prof. Dr. M Harun Aur Rashid, Department of Dairy Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University was present as a Keynote speaker. The keynote speaker in his speech gave signs of healthy animal selection and cautionary advice for animal purchase, advising the farmers for the purpose of producing healthy and profitable animals.

Special guest:

Special guest was Mr. Abdur Rauf, News Editor, Mohana Television. Mr. Rauf, in his speech, highlighted the current situation regarding the management of the sacrificial animal market. He also spoke in detail about the role of media in the development of animal resources and its market system in Bangladesh.

Rakib Hasan, Senior Reporter, My TV was present as a media personnel. Mr. Rakib told about the sacrificial animal market in different places including Dhaka city, the traders shed light on what kind of precautions are being followed.

This virtual seminar was chaired by the Honorable Chairman of the Department of Agribusiness, Veterinary Specialist, Dr. Sonia Tabasum Ahmed. Dr. Sonia discussed the role of agribusiness graduates in solving the problems of the sacrificial animal market system in the current situation, what possibilities the sacrificial animal market is creating for economic development.

Seminar Broadcasted By:

The seminar was broadcast live on the Facebook page of Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology. The technical support for conducting the seminar was provided by Noor Ahmed Raaz, Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing, Owner and Editor in chief Textile Merchandising, Faculty Member, Department of Textile Engineering, Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology and by

The total live video of the seminar can be found here: Seminar Video  



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